"Friendship, like gardens, grow with beauty."
This quote by an unknown author is a great reminder to us about what is truly important. I am excited about 2012 being a great year for you and me as we grow our plants and friendship together.
Here is what I have learned:
1. In the winter months it's good to use a fertilizer on your pansies. I have found that using 13-13-13, 10-10-10, or a fertilizer named Osmocote will give them the food that they need.
In a similar way, an encouraging word between friends or simply letting them know what they mean to you can be a greatly needed source of replenishment, especially during these dreary months.
2. In the warmer month of March, when the soil temperature is higher and the soil is softer, I'll begin using a liquid soluble fertilizer like Miracle Gro or Peters 20-20-20 once a month. These work well to grow healthy pansies.
Sometimes we are required to change regimens based on the circumstances around us. There are times when we are required to modify our plans to best meet the needs of our friends.
3. Pansies protect themselves during our cold winters by temporarily wilting. If the soil is frozen while dry cold winds blow across the leaves, the pansy roots are unable to transport water back to the leaves. By adding a little pine straw on those really cold nights, you will be helping to trap heat in, block the wind, and encourage the growth of more flowers and healthier leaves.
I enjoy being surrounded by the warmth of unconditional love. Don't we all? It is this warmth that keeps us from wilting.