How important are substantial trees in creating an impressive “wow” appeal? What kind of trees should you plant for fall color? How much value will trees add to your “wow” appeal? Have you considered how important it is to have mature trees in your yard? Often I hear the following excuse: “I won’t be around to see the tree grow large. Why do I need to plant a significant tree?” It tickles me to see how surprised people are when in a few years their trees have grown into wonderful, stately trees that look and feel connected to the landscape and create a frame for the house. Although significant trees will continue to grow long after we are gone, we can still enjoy a tremendous “Wow!” from them in our lifetime. One of the greatest joys of the fall is walking outside and experiencing the gorgeous autumn color. Planting a tree that will grow large in the right location of the yard can be very rewarding for years to come. Knowing where utility lines are located, finding the window sight lines, and understanding the sun’s direction are a few key elements to consider before planting a significant tree. A well developed design is critical to your future planning and planting. November is a great time to plant trees! Do you have a certain type you really like? Send me an email to let me know which trees you like, and why you like them. We all know trees, especially substantial trees, add value to our property. They also add plenty of savings to your cooling bill in the summer. Substantial trees are an essential element to creating “wow” appeal...just ask someone in the real estate business! Do you know someone who would benefit from this newsletter? Please forward it to them, a great and famous tree in our nation might get planted because you did. Below is a quick list of a few favorite trees for fall color: Yellow Ginkgo - (Ginkgo biloba) Pawpaw - (Asimina triloba) Pignut Hickory (Carya glabra) Orange Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) Red Red Maple (Acer rubrum)