Looking for a great way to kill a tree?
Of course not! However, many people are unaware that a great way to kill a tree is to place black piping around it. Occasionally these pipes or hoses are used in an attempt to stop male deer (bucks) from rubbing off their velvet (the soft fuzz on their antlers) against the tree. Bucks especially like to rub on young trees with tender bark. This is a natural process, but is costly to new trees planted in the yard. I never use black pipe to stop bucks from rubbing my new trees. The black pipe heats up the bark and can cause some serious sun scalding which can damage the tree or, worse, cause death. As the tree grows it becomes girdled by the pipe, which cuts off its nutrient supply and will eventually be fatal to the tree.
Fire ants also seem to love the piping placed on trees. I have often seen large fire ant nests at the base of trees which have black pipes wrapped around them. The added soil caused by the ant hill on the bark is not healthy for the tree.

So what should be used instead? I use black or green loosely-fitted wire fencing around trees to stop bucks from rubbing on the trees. The wire fence is approximately 36" - 42" in height. Black or green fencing is not as visible and, therefore, is more aesthetically pleasing. The fence structure allows for air flow around the trunk of the tree which alleviates heat build up. Fire ants also seem not to be attracted to the fencing. Be generous with the wire; don't wrap it tightly around the tree. These wire rings, if bound too tightly, will cut into the bark and can potentially kill the tree. Make sure you give the tree trunk plenty of room to grow wide. The fence needs to loosely surround the tree. A tree 2" in caliber will typically get a 6" to 8" fence ring.