It was the evening of May 1, 2011. Two Black Hawk helicopters loaded with a handful of Navy SEALS approached a residential compound outside Abbottabad, Pakistan. One helicopter landed outside the target property, the other slid into the ground in a dramatic controlled crash landing-not exactly according to plan.
The handful of SEALS in the downed Black Hawk calmly radioed the other group, and they proceeded with the mission. Eighteen minutes later, the terrorist, Osama bin Laden was no more. The SEALS, made it home safely.
Given the unusual circumstances, surely this mission would be considered a miracle,
right? No, not at all.
Over the past nine years, this team of SEALS has routinely completed so many similar operations that nothing surprised them. Not even a crashed helicopter while going after the most wanted man on the earth.
A high level U.S. Defense Department official put it this way:
"This was one of almost two thousand missions that have been conducted over the last couple of years, night after night." He likened the routine of evening raids to "mowing the lawn."
Let's make one thing clear, I'm in no way comparing what a Navy SEAL has to deal with to dealing with with issues in your yard. Creating a great looking yard can be tough, and very frustrating, but it's child's play compared to the job completed by the armed services.
We find great inspiration in the dedication, perseverance, and sacrifice demonstrated by the SEALS. So here's what this means for you as gardener-Keep Trying!
Want to tackle the most ambitious landscape projects without fear?
Want to crank out magnificent looking flowers each and every spring?
Routine green thumb maintenance makes the difference.
Fall is a great time to plant. The dormant season is by far the best time to plant trees and shrubs. Deciduous trees and shrubs are dormant and the leaf canopy is absent, so there is less water and nutrient requirements to keep the plant alive. Also, the metabolic rate has slowed for evergreens during the cold season. Fall is a nice time when plants are not subjected to the stress of insects, disease, and drought. So try something new, or try something again. Just keep trying!