Do you want a formal look in your new landscape? Are you curious about which plants are best to use for a highly manicured and formal appearance? I would suggest you consider using the American Boxwood or the Wintergreen Boxwood. I think both shrubs are good, but I lean more to the Wintergreen Boxwood because they don't seem to be as temperamental as the American Boxwood. These plants will produce a nice evergreen show throughout the year. Neither plant has a showy flower or a smell. These plants will definitely give you the formal garden you are looking for.
Tip: American Boxwood will at times suddenly have sections die. At times it is hard to determine the exact cause of death in Boxwoods, but the shrub can get a disease called Volutella Blight. The best way to deal with sectional dieback is to prune out the dead areas. One of the challenges to having American Boxwoods is they will not tolerate poor drainage. When using the American Boxwoods in the landscape make sure you prepare your soil bed well by tilling the ground 8" deep. I have recently planted some large American Boxwoods on campus. I confirmed twice that we had good drainage. American Boxwoods also grow slow, so they will cost a bit more to purchase.