Does your lawn have a manicured look this spring? Are there any bare spots? How is your grass growing in the shaded areas? May is a great time to fertilize warm season turf grasses.
Do you have a new lawn or existing lawn of either Bermuda or Zoysia grass? I like to use a slow release lawn fertilizer that releases a slower amount of nutrients to the grass. A 29-3-4 or similar product is what I like to use. These particular types of fertilizers will slowly release the nutrients that the warm season turf grasses need. I like this because the turf grass is slowly fed over 8-12 weeks. The slow release fertilizer will cost more, but in return you will receive a steady, slow, feeding over a longer period of time. This means that I don't have to fertilize as often during the growing season.
10-10-10 or a similar type fertilizer is a quick release fertilizer and will work on warm season lawn also. What I have found is the 10-10-10 gives me that fast "green up" and a big "jump" in growth for about 2-3 weeks, but then it is gone. If I need a fast "green up", for example, right before a special event, then this is a great product to use.
Do you use a professional service for your lawn or do you maintain it yourself? Do you ever wonder which is best for you? The advantage of a lawn service is that they will come to your home during the appropriate seasonal time to spray and apply fertilizers. Usually they have well calibrated commercial equipment and are accustomed to treating the lawns that are grown in our areas. The negative aspect to hiring a professional service is that you are going to pay a bit more for these services. On campus, we care for the lawns ourselves. We have over 100 acres of turf to maintain. However, at home I pay a service to come and spray my lawn for weeds and then I apply the fertilizer myself.