Let me share with you some of my all time favorites that I would never be without. Since I have particular fondness for blue and purple in the garden, more often than not, that means Salvia. My all time favorite is Salvia Leucantha. This spectacular fall bloomer is loved by hummingbirds, butterflies and anyone who sees it in bloom. The plant grows 3 to 5 ft and are covered in hundreds of small velvety purple or purple and white flowers. About every 2 yrs it can be divided and there is always room for another Salvia Leucantha. Last year I grew it with the Knock Out pink rose. Spectacular! It is suggested that in zone 7, Salvia Leucantha should not be cut back in the fall as protection from potential freezing. But, I love this plant so much that after the first frost I will let it stand, provide extra mulch over the roots and cover it with small branches and leaves. The plant can always be replaced but this is one plant that is like a very special friend who conjures up such pleasant memories, so I take extra precautions. However, even after our recent record cold spells it has always come back.
Another fantastic Salvia is Indigo Spires which is a shrub salvia and a butterfly magnet that can reach 3-5 ft, and provides a fantastic background for other plants and blooms till the first frost. The flowers cover 1 ft spikes in whorls of inflorescence blues-violets with purplish calyces. Because of its height it can sprawl but cutting it back to 1-2 ft will keep it neat and dead- heading will provide profuse blooms. Also, it thrives on neglect, heat, and humidity.
Agastache, Blue Fortune draws hummingbirds and provides as much enjoyment as the plant itself. The flowers are tall upright spikes which are always welcomed in a garden. The leaves are a gray green, slightly fuzzy, and have a minty licorice fragrance. This is a plant that thrives in a dry sunny garden and blooms constantly from late spring though fall. Though there are a number of Agastache in a several colors, my current favorite is “Blue Fortune” which grows to 3 ft and puts on quite a show behind yellow flowers such as Zinnia. But, my current favorite combination is growing Blue Fortune with red Knock –Out roses and Black-Eyed Susans.
If you are not partial to blue and purple in the garden, no need to fear. There are 100s of other perennials in every size, shape, color and texture. You are sure to find more than enough perennials that you will love and I promise they will grow their hearts out for you in your garden.